Yoga Teacher Clinic: Adjusting Asana
Vendredi 25 novembre 15:00 - 18:00
This 3-hour in-studio workshop is taught in English
Petri Räisänen is an internationally renowned and respected Ashtanga yoga teacher for more than 30 years. (Petri's bio).
Learn to adjust asanas in a way that's easy on your body and provides support and confidence in your students. This workshop is beneficial for all teachers regardless of yoga style. If you are not a teacher but are interested, email us.
Adjustments are not just mechanical. Listen to Petri discuss their energetic aspect:
Also join Petri for his weekend workshop November 26th-27th.
This workshop is run under the auspices of INFINY asbl and only publicized by Centre de Yoga - La Source. Payment is made to INFINY, not La Source.
There is a 5 € once-a-calendar-year INFINY membership fee even if you are only attending a single session. The 5 € membership fee is necessary for insurance purposes.
The normal price is 90 Euros. Early-bird registration is 75 Euros (ending Oct 28th), but payment must be made at time of registration.
Cancellation Policy
Style : Ashtanga-led
Ashtanga vinyasa est une pratique de hatha yoga transmis à Pattabhi Jois par le maître de yoga Krishnamacharya. C'est pour l'étudiant qui cherche une approche vigoureuse qui purifie, stimule et dynamise. Il est composé de postures pratiquées dans un rythme fluide, avec une respiration constante, l’attention et des contractions internes qui concentrent l’énergie vitale. Grâce à la nature dynamique de cette pratique, on se sent complètement purifié et energetisé dans chaque cellule du corps et également dans le mental. Visitez la page : Ashtanga-led.
Enseignant : Petri Räisänen
Co-owner and director of Astanga Yoga Helsinki, Petri has been a regular practitioner in Mysore India since 1996 and received a teacher authorisation from K. Pattabhi Jois and Sharath Rangaswamy (Jois) in 2001. In his yogic path, Petri has studied with many Ashtanga yoga instructors such as Derek Ireland, Radha Warrell, Lino Miele, Gwendoline Hunt, Eddie Stern, R. Sharath Jois and K. Pattabhi Jois. Petri focuses on integrating healing and therapy with yoga, meeting student’s individual needs and guiding their progress. His teachings aims to lead to an experience of deep concentration (pratyahara) and meditation (dhyana). Petri has written two books on the subjects of Ashtanga Yoga.
Petri : Visitez sa page.
Lieu : Strassen
Notre centre à Strassen propose de hatha yoga pour tous les niveaux dans les lignées indiennes du Sivananda, de l'Ashtanga et du Vinyasa Krama. Nous y proposons également du Yin Yoga, synthèse du Tao Yin et du hatha, des cours spécialisés pour les personnes souffrant de problèmes de dos et pour les 50 ans et plus. Avec le plancher en chêne, une ambiance chaleureuse, le centre est un havre de la vie urbaine, situé sur la route d'Arlon près de la rue de Reckenthal. Visitez la page : Strassen.