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Yoga La Source

Sanskrit counted class with pranayama and meditation

commençant le Samedi 18 mars 2023 à 15:00

Cet atelier (15h00-17h30) est enseigné en anglais.

In this special Ashtanga class, a student is introduced to the counted practice of a select portion of the Ashtanga primary series. The use of Sanskrit count puts an emphasis on the vinyasa aspect of the practice, whereby a conscious attention is brought to combining breath and movement. Such a practice directs our experience away from bodily performance, steadies the mind, and eventually unveils the internal world of our embodiment.

Cultivating a deep connection with the breath is a baseline practice in order for this experience to manifest. For this reason, we will spend the necessary time at the beginning of the class to get in touch and explore the qualities of ujjayi and breath regulation. The vinyasa and the count will also be explained. In the movement part, we will proceed slowly and attentively, without forcing our bodies in postures, while exploring longer breathing and longer stays in several asanas.

The class will close with guided pranayama and meditation.

Important Note

The asana instructions in this class are minimal, so students attending this class need to have a solid knowledge of standing and some seated asanas of the primary series. However, the physical mastery of asanas is NOT a prerequisite for attending. The teacher will suggest the postural variations where needed.


The normal price is 55 Euros. Early-bird registration before March 11th is 45 Euros, but payment must be made at time of registration.

Cancellation Policy

All cancellations are subject to a 10-Euro administration fee. Payment is fully refundable (less the administration fee) if cancellation is done before March 11th. If you cancel after March 11th, you may only be refunded if you are able to find a replacement for your place even if your cancellation is due to an illness.

Style : Ashtanga-led

Ashtanga vinyasa est une pratique de hatha yoga transmis à Pattabhi Jois par le maître de yoga Krishnamacharya. C'est pour l'étudiant qui cherche une approche vigoureuse qui purifie, stimule et dynamise. Il est composé de postures pratiquées dans un rythme fluide, avec une respiration constante, l’attention et des contractions internes qui concentrent l’énergie vitale. Grâce à la nature dynamique de cette pratique, on se sent complètement purifié et energetisé dans chaque cellule du corps et également dans le mental. Visitez la page : Ashtanga-led.

Enseignant : Marija Bjekovic

Marija Bjekovic Marija's teaching path started after the completion of 200 hours Ashtanga yoga teacher training with John Scott and Lucy Crawford Scott in 2015. Over the years, she found the grounding for both her studies and teaching in the legacy of Sri T. Krishnamcharya, the father of modern yoga and a pioneer in yoga therapy. She has been studying his legacy through the lens of his two long-term students, Srivatsa Ramaswami and A.G. Mohan. She is currently completing a 300 hours Svastha Yoga Therapy Foundations program with A.G. Mohan and his family. The practice has shown her that strength, stability and flexibility are qualities to be found at other levels than purely physical. The physical form is paradoxically merely the background for contemplation of constant interplay and alignment of energies within. When she teaches in Ashtanga vinyasa context, she does so from an understanding that such a layered practice is primarily meant as a framework to start cultivating subtle breath and calm mind. The physical aspect of practice can and should be individualized, without compromising the more profound nature of the practice. She loves to encourage students to explore the practice from such a perspective, and to support them in growing a sustainable and nourishing yoga practice through different fluctuations of life. Marija : Visitez sa page.

Lieu : Strassen

147 route d'Arlon, Strassen. Avec le plancher en chêne, une ambiance chaleureuse, notre centre à Strassen est un havre de la vie urbaine, situé sur la route d'Arlon près de la rue de Reckenthal, seulement à 200 mètres de l'autoroute A6 / autoroute E25. Visitez la page : Strassen.