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Yoga La Source

Stage de Hormone Yoga

commençant le Jeudi 14 janvier 2016 à 09:30

Le stage sera enseigné en anglais.

A one-day 6-hour program (morning and afternoon) of Dinah Rodrigues' Hormone Yoga for women including theory and practice.

Women of all ages can enroll as the practice balances all bodily systems as well as the mind and spirit. In this system, the accent is put on activating, balancing and harmonizing the most important glands: ovaries, thyroid, pituitary and adrenal glands, inducing the well-being of women, specifically where there are any hormonal imbalances.

It is a very dynamic yoga with powerful breathing, calming Pranayama and Nidra Yoga relaxation and visualisation.

With this workshop, you will have a good knowledge to start a daily practice. You will also receive a hand-out with the sequence.


9:30-12:30 & 14:30-17:30 (you are free during the lunch break)


80 Euros

Cancellation policy

This is not treated as an individual class from a term where one can cancel within an hour and receive a credit. This is considered an "event". We refund all cancellations made at least 48 hours in advance less 1 Euro for bank fees. Within 48 hours, we will only refund if the event is full and we are able to take someone in from a waiting list.

Enrollment Form

There are contra-indications to this practice. Please call or e-mail us with a phone number included so that we can determine if the program will be beneficial for you. You will be sent a questionnaire in any event after completing the enrollment form.


"For 5 months, I practice every day hormone yoga and all day long, I take advantage of its beneficial effects. I feel much more balanced, my immune system has regained strength...What luck to have been introduced to this source of energy! " - C.C.

"The imbalance that I had on a hormonal level returned to balance after that hormone yoga course."- M.B.

Style : Yoga Hormonal

Cette pratique de yoga est excellente pour chaque femme cherchant à entretenir ou retrouver sa forme physique, sa santé mentale et sa joie de vivre. Elle y parvient grâce à une séquence bien conçue de postures de yoga et des exercices de respiration qui maintiennent le système hormonal en équilibre et en bon fonctionnement. Visitez la page : Yoga hormonal.

Enseignant : Denise Pesch

Denise Pesch Denise a fait l'expérience de l'aisance, de la légèreté, de la joie et de la santé dans la vie et souhaite apporter cette merveilleuse expérience à tous ses élèves à travers les différents styles de yoga qu'elle enseigne - Ashtanga, Sivananda, Vinyasa Krama, Yoga pour le dos, Hormone yoga et yoga pour femmes enceintes. Denise : Visitez sa page.

Lieu : Strassen

147 route d'Arlon, Strassen. Avec le plancher en chêne, une ambiance chaleureuse, notre centre à Strassen est un havre de la vie urbaine, situé sur la route d'Arlon près de la rue de Reckenthal, seulement à 200 mètres de l'autoroute A6 / autoroute E25. Visitez la page : Strassen.