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Yoga La Source

Rencontre d'information pour notre Formation d'Enseignant de Yoga 2017

commençant le Jeudi 20 octobre 2016 à 16:00

Cette rencontre est en anglais comme la formation sera enseignée en anglais.
For those wishing to deepen their yoga practice and/or to become yoga teachers, you are welcome to attend our informational meeting concerning the following program. Please bring a cushion to sit on and your questions.

Thank you very much for this interesting hatha yoga teacher training that changed our lives and helped us to understand our inner world a bit better and opened our hearts for new life experiences! - 4/10/2016

For a very long time we have been asked by students to offer a yoga teacher training right here in Luxembourg. After a combined 45 years of teaching experience, we have put together a comprehensive yoga teacher training program.

We have engaged the participation of André Riehl who has been a guest teacher in Nidra yoga here since 2006 and of Ram Vakkalanka who has taught Sanskrit and Nada and Bhakti Yogas here since 2012. The training will be given in English.

We offer a 500-hour program for those who wish to deepen their yoga practice with an intensive practice and become certified yoga teachers.

Content Overview

  • History and Philosophy of Yoga

Study of the Bhagavad Gita, the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, the Chakra energetical system and Sansrkit.

  • Yoga Practice and training

  • intensive personal yoga practice in asana, pranayama, deep relaxation, concentration & meditation
  • teaching instructions in student observation, asana alignment, adjustments, pranayama, deep relaxation, concentration & meditation
  • Anatomy and Physiology

Muscular-skeletal, respiratory, circulatory, nervous and endocrine systems in relation to yoga

  • Teaching Methodology

Structuring classes, teaching practice sessions, responding to students' needs, presence and communication, ethics

Teacher training

Space will be limited to 20 teaching candidates.

Requirements for Teaching candidates:

  • An uninterrupted 3-year practice of hatha yoga with teachers is required. If you have started more recently than 3 years, you can still participate on the teaching track and receive a teaching diploma after completion of your 3 years of continuous practice with a teacher.
  • Prior to the training, participation will be required in a course taught by either Denise or Fredric in the term preceding the training. This will be outside the teacher training costs.  Trainees will need to attend 10 sessions. To ensure attendance and not simply enrollment, you will need to have your teacher sign a booklet at the end of each class verifying your attendance.
  • During the training, continued attendance of at least one yoga class a week in the style you are training for at our center during the entirety of the program with the same attendance verification system as described in the preceding point.
  • Homework is assigned between training periods. This includes a summary of the preceding training session and possibly a book report on an important yogic text. All homework must be completed. Any copying and pasting from website material is cause for suspension from the program, and we check. Footnoting to websites is acceptable, but all work must be in your own thinking and words.
  • If you must miss one or two of the sessions of a training weekend, you will be required to review the material taught in those sessions and write a paper on it of one page for each hour missed. Those missing entire weekends will have to attend other workshops mutually agreed-upon at your own expense. Those missing more than 10% of the entire training will not graduate.
  • Trainees will be required to pass an oral and written exam as well as demonstrate the ability to teach an asana class with ease and confidence. They will also be required to submit a dissertation / "memoire".


Yoga Philosophy will be taught by:

Nidra Yoga will be taught by:

Yoga asanas, pranayama and teaching instruction will be taught by:

Anatomy will be taught by:

along with asana variations for students with special conditions such as back problems.


The dates for this program have yet to be finalised. The structure will be 1-week residential intensive followed by 5 week-ends throughout each calendar year.

Arrangements are made for trainees to practice together between trainings to maintain continuity and exchanges.


Trainees will be required to pass an oral and written exam as well as demonstrate the ability to teach an asana class with ease and confidence. They will also be required to submit a dissertation / "memoire".


The cost over the duration of the 500-hour program will average 12 Euros per workshop hour.

This price is exclusive of all materials, including books required, as well as accommodations, food and workshop room rental during the residential portions of the program.

For those wishing to deepen their yoga practice and/or to become yoga teachers, you are welcome to attend our informational meeting concerning the following program. Please bring a cushion to sit on and your questions.

Style : Advaita Vedanta

(text from Wikipedia) Advaita Vedanta is a non-dualistic school of Hindu philosophy and religious practice, and one of the classic Indian paths to spiritual realization. The term Advaita refers to its idea that the soul (true Self, Atman) is the same as the highest metaphysical Reality (Brahman). Adherents seek spiritual liberation through acquiring vidyā (knowledge) of one's true identity as Atman, and the identity of Atman and Brahman. Visitez la page : Advaita Vedanta.

Enseignant : La Source & Rezonance = :)

La Source & Rezonance  = :) Fredric Bender et Denise Pesch de "La Source" s'associent avec Nadine Feyder, Jean-Charles de Biolley, Ilona de Haas, Iza Viola, Laurent Allain et Nathalie Valentin de "Rezonance". L’association « Rezonance » regroupe des personnes d'horizons très variés qui se réunissent afin de prendre soin de soi, des autres, des objets et de la nature, de co-créer et partager l’abondance, de cultiver la joie et de célébrer le beau. Dans leurs mots..."Nous croyons en une approche holistique de l'évolution car tout est connecté et interagit, de notre manière de cultiver la terre, l'importance l'eau, les aliments que nous mangeons, à notre façon de communiquer et d'éduquer nos enfants. Durant cette retraite, nous aurons le plaisir d'animer des ateliers journaliers pendant lesquels nous partagerons la manière dont nous revisitons certains aspects de notre vie quotidienne afin d'être en plus grande harmonie avec nous-mêmes,les autres et notre environnement." Veuillez regarder des photos de l'équipe "Rezonance" sur la page: La Source & Rezonance : Visitez sa page.

Lieu : Strassen

147 route d'Arlon, Strassen. Avec le plancher en chêne, une ambiance chaleureuse, notre centre à Strassen est un havre de la vie urbaine, situé sur la route d'Arlon près de la rue de Reckenthal, seulement à 200 mètres de l'autoroute A6 / autoroute E25. Visitez la page : Strassen.